Art for Blokes

When we began to renovate our outside building we thought that Martin and I would both be able to use it for our art. But once I’d moved in my tools, materials, books and work table there was less room than we’d previously imagined. So it became my Kaboodle.

Poor Martin!

I eased my guilty conscience by suggesting that he turn our front bedroom into his own creative space. Β We sleep at the back of the house, where it’s quieter and it wouldn’t have made sense to keep his computer outside anyway ~ our wifi doesn’t reach that far. I like it that way but he prefers to be connected at all times.

He painted the walls Dutch Gold and Turkish Tile and covered the floorboards with aluminium chequer~plate vinyl :



Although I was unsure of these choices, I have to admit that he’s right (as usual!) His artwork looks stunning against the blue and it’s easy to keep dust~free. This is hisΒ studio so I don’t interfere with it ~ although he sometimes allows me to kick back in the Big Yellow Chair and gaze out of the double windows, while he’s immersed in digital painting on the iMac.

This is what he’s been working on most recently:





Inspired by my research into the ‘Steampunk’ genre, these skulls ~ composed from mechanical elements ~ could be printed on anything: mugs, T~shirts, greetings cards. The monochrome one could even be the basis of a tatoo.

We’ll have to wait and see. As with all his artwork it’s the challenges that absorb Martin ~ exploring ways to produce the end result he has in mind, honing his skills and technical expertise and keeping his brain active. Having said that, please respect his copyright. You are welcome to share these images, provided you reference them as his work and link back to this blog.



20 thoughts on “Art for Blokes

  1. I think it’s *fabulous* that you each have your own creative spaces! I really like the look of Martin’s studio – very masculine and yet, still has a warm, human feel to it. Your Kaboodle, on the other hand, definitely has a feminine charm. I’m liking the steampunk imagery, too – kind of reminds me of the Terminator, but I especially like the clockwork gears and cogs in the brain area. You are both so creative! πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Corina ~ now that Martin has retired from his ‘proper job’ it’s a game~changer that we have separate work rooms in which we can do as we please. It’s fantastic having so much free time together but can also benefit from alone time, which is essential to the creative process. I love the juxtaposition of mechanical elements and Victoriana in Steampunk, whereas Martin is more a ‘mech~head’ and produces more technical illustrations. πŸ™‚

  2. This is the joy of living with a true artist. My (ex) artist partner used to explain plans only to find me looking at him with wonder mixed with concern. Then, when the final product is done, I was once again reassured I only had to wait to see the incredible results. I would be so relieve that I kept my questions to myself. Martin, your talent obviously flows into any genre you choose!

    1. Thank you from Martin, Amy ~ he says that for him, everything in life is art! 😊 And yes, I do hold my counsel these days as his ‘plans’ (and boy, does he plan meticulously!) can be somewhat alarming. But it all works out perfectly in the end! πŸ™‚

  3. You both are so creative I think you need that your separate spaces! I’m so glad you shared some of Martin’s work. The skulls are so intricately decorated!

    1. Thank you Debra ~ it’s been great to have our own studios, particularly now we are both retired and spend a great deal of our time together. Don’t get me wrong ~ we love that and are grateful for every moment but sometimes we appreciate a mini creative break. He does tend to get sucked into the detail, which is why the digital medium suits him so well! πŸ™‚

  4. It’s so important to have our own personal spaces and I enjoy seeing people’s personalities reflected when they decorate their own space. Martin’s space has a bright, creative, masculine look and feel to it. I have a penchant for skulls in artwork and steampunk as well. πŸ™‚

    1. Martin really appreciates having his own space where he can display motorcycle wheels, car parts, replica guns etc. Meg ~ in fact there is talk of dismantling the Harley Davidson when he can no longer ride it and rebuilding it up there. Hmmmmm! He finds digital artwork relaxing and it keeps him entertained for hours! 😊

    1. Thank you SOL, that’s what he calls his style! He started creating these mechanically inspired images as an alternative to the traditional greetings cards for male relatives ~ the ones featuring watercolours of vintage cars, fishing, football or golfing. I started researching steampunk for my own art and his work seems to fit into that genre ~ I’ll post more examples another time! πŸ™‚

  5. How have we not come across each other sooner? I’m a WIGHT – that’s my last name. I wonder if I have relatives on the Isle of Wight. I live in the Boston area and am a writer and blogger. So fun to meet you here!

    1. Hi Pam! Although I started ‘Wightrabbit’ many moons ago, when I was too shy to reveal my true identity, I’ve only recently started posting to it again. In the interim period I wrote on my other WP blog ‘Tao of Scrumble’. When my premium subscription on that came up for renewal I decided not to renew it and went back to Wightrabbit. Which explains why you haven’t come across me until now, I guess. We’ve lived on the island for 13 years and I’ve never met anyone with the last name ‘Wight’, with that spelling ~ maybe they all emigrated to your neck to of the woods? Thanks for dropping by ~ It’s great to make contact with you! πŸ˜„

  6. A very talented artist, your husband, and how thoughtful of you to let him create in this way. A space of his own. I am so much the same way. Most of the time I can create only when it is me and my little terrier at home. When my roommate is home…not so much. Funny how some people are like that. Love the pics! πŸ™‚

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